Monday 18 March 2013

The Girls Night Out Pocket-Bible | Divine No.7's New Blogging Series!

It's time to introduce Divine No.7's first ever series! This series will give you all of the information that you need in order to have an aesthetically (and overall) successful time out. My overall goal is to see that all of your girls arrive amazing, and also depart looking just as incredible (whether that be from the club, or on your walk of shame...)

I will be providing with you tons of information, specifically chosen for a night out; the first post includes beauty information on make-up tips and must haves for products, advice for your choice of hairstyle, skincare suggestions, and much more! In my second post, I will be going over fashion information on outfit suggestions, pros and cons for certain styles of clothing, accessory advice, as well as a bonus 'What's in your Purse?' section where I give you tips on packing light for a busy night. In my third and final post, I will be providing you with 'The Morning After' edition, where I discuss smart precautions to take the night before in order to be well off for the morning after. This post will help you out when you wake up in the morning (at your place or his,) and you need emergency beauty info, STAT.

Included in all of these posts will be safety information to help you have a harmless night out. Smart is Sexy; please remember to drink responsibly and always have a ride home planned out in advance.

Please check back soon to find the Beauty Edition of The Girls Night Out Pocket-Bible!

Love you girls,

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