Monday 22 April 2013

Happy Earth Day!

Since I grew up in the country, my entire childhood contains earthy memories such as playing in the dirt, exploring the forests around my house, and letting my creativity run wild in nature. The essence of mother nature runs thick in my veins,even when I am inside all day working on the computer.

Now that I'm older, these tendancies still exist but have matured. Instead of making forts and going on elaborate adventures, I now like to spend my time outdoors by reading, painting, or just reflecting on the influences and projects in my life. Having the warm Spring breeze on my face and the smell of nature around me helps me to de-stress and relax. Nature is a huge part of my life, and it is alone in this environment that I feel most at home.

I think the bliss of taking a moment by yourself in a natural scene really refreshes ones' attitude and promotes a clear mind. I encourage everyone to take a moment such as this today, and temporarily disconnect from the technological world we live in. A break can do everyone good, and may even inspire new content or ideas in your life you were waiting for.

Love the world and the body you live in. Have an amazing Earth Day everyone!

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